English Bible Study

Students, international residenst, Hungarians who want to be part of an English speaking community.

Who will you meet in this community?

The English Bible Study is for everyone who wants to study the Bible in English and be part of an English speaking community. The group is for both Hungarians and international residents. English speaking professionals, university students, and high school students make up the majority of the group. Those who wish to improve their English language skills are warmly welcomed. We enjoy small group discussions and large group activities.

When are you meeting?

Every week, there is Biblical teaching, prayer, worship, discussion, and community building activities. 

The English Bible Study meets every Monday at 6:30 p.m.

How can I join you?

There is no membership requirement. Just come and join the community!

Should I have to speak at the first time?

Visitors are not required to speak in public.

Can I join you if I'm not a Baptist?

The group is open to everyone.

Do you have online meetings?


The English Bible Study is a place to build new friendships, engage in life-changing conversations, and enjoy authentic community.

Building family

Take a look at some selections from our blog that illustrate how
we believe the Bible calls us to build a strong, spiritual family.

Sokkal többen lennénk, ha…

Tavaly épp a születésnapomon voltam egy rendezvényen többedmagammal. Nem igazán mozgok komfortosan a nagy társaságokban, és sosem szerettem a figyelem középpontjába kerülni – akár jó, akár rossz dolog miatt…

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2025 – Velünk az Isten!

Tavaly épp a születésnapomon voltam egy rendezvényen többedmagammal. Nem igazán mozgok komfortosan a nagy társaságokban, és sosem szerettem a figyelem középpontjába kerülni – akár jó, akár rossz dolog miatt…

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